The pharmaceutical industry is ready to spend over $5 billion on TV ads this year alone. What does that mean for your health?
The pharmaceutical industry is ready to spend over $5 billion on TV ads this year alone. What does that mean for your health?
The American presidential election results were a major blow to me. I felt, like many American people, depressed, dispirited, dissatisfied, and disconnected. After many days of thinking and deliberation, I decided to share my thoughts with my readers, and vent my frustrations.
Recently I have been thinking about my long-deceased father, Hasan Efendi’s words of wisdom
No matter how we look at the recent election results in the USA, it is exceedingly difficult to understand how 76 million Americans have voted a convicted felon with many more short comings to go to the White House again.
Why I think Trump succeeded
How do we increase the intensity of our learning signals and why is it so important?
“You can’t recall what you didn’t learn.” Thinking, learning, acquiring knowledge, memory formation and recall are all biological functions of our brain. Without knowing how our brain performs all these higher mental faculties, we can’t possibly know how to study smartly, and learn effectively.
“We are who we are because of what we learn and what we remember.” Epistemology can simply be defined as the study of science and the theory of knowledge, especially with regards to its methods of thinking, validity and scope.
Human conversation goes far beyond just uttering words. Eye contact, gaze and facial expressions are a window to our mental state, and the mental phase of our conversation. We can easily lie with the words we use, but we cannot lie with our body language.
There are about 7,000 different spoken languages in the world, speaking just one language may not be enough to succeed in a world that is becoming increasingly interdependent and competitive. Why is learning a second language good for you?
It is believed that our primitive ancestors (homonids) initially used signs and gestures to imitate the natural sound of animals and birds to communicate with each other. How did the human brain and evolutionary changes evolve to allow humans the mental ability for cognition and the anatomical ability to communicate with language?
Why do we still struggle with understanding each other, even when we speak the same language?
I personally have suffered from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) for over 30 years. I would like to share my personal experiences about BPH, which may be different from routine recommendations with my readers.
Whether we like it or not, eating insects is our dietary destiny. Why?
Some questions and thoughts on the possibility of treatment with a fecal transplant (FT).
What is mental energy? Is there any correlation between mental energy and the diet we consume? Our brain draws energy from the food we eat, just like the rest of our body.
Why are liberal constitutional democracies declining in popularity across the globe?
Why do some people dislike freedom so much that they try to escape from it? Part 3 of my series on the declining popularity of liberal democracy.
What is narcissism? Is it a personality trait or a mental illness?
Current political events and wars have made me think and read a lot about narcissism and its relationship to politics and wars. I think all these troublesome leaders of the world have something in common.