The American presidential election results were a major blow to me. I felt, like many American people, depressed, dispirited, dissatisfied, and disconnected.
After many days of thinking and deliberation, I decided to share my thoughts with my readers, and vent my frustrations.
I am a liberal leaning, 86-year-old retired physician with 40 years of clinical practice experience. I know a lot about human psychology and psychopathology, aging, and the deleterious effect of aging, with firsthand experiences, on human ego, and on higher mental faculties including critical thinking, decision making, and self-confidence that require higher mental power and mental energy than most. Aging often increases human egotism to a level of egomaniac state.
First fundamental question I had was - does not America have many more talented and capable younger people to become president then two old politicians their 80, well passed the official retirement age of 65?
Is the American Presidency, to become leader of a most powerful nation in the world, and at the same time assuming the leadership of the free-world, less important than CEO of a major company that requires their CEO be under official retirement age?
Why doesn’t the official retirement age not apply to politicians? Don’t politicians get mentally old by aging?
No wonder today’s American society is so polarized, so divided and angry to all government instructions, including the Supreme Court.
The absence of strong leadership in the free world is also causing ongoing, unjustified, genocidal, and merciless wars, and the entire world remains silent about climate warming, which is causing an increasing frequency of disastrous storms, droughts, starvation, melting icecaps. raising sea levels, drowning island nations and coastal cities that cause increased but unwanted worldwide immigration.
My displeasure and loss of confidence in the American press, and the news media was induced by the fact that they let them to be dominated by Mr. Trump, his sycophants, and a childish showman billionaire with very rich pocketbook who can donate 500 million dollars to Trump’s campaign for his own personal reasons, The American news media, by giving them minute by minutes coverage, for their own rating purposes, provided free and immense publicity and name recognition for Trump’s team.
So far, president elect Mr. Trump’s choices of “yes-men” to run his administration does not look very promising for four years ahead of us and for the free world.