For The Sake Of Your Health, EXERCISE

For The Sake Of Your Health, EXERCISE



“Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”  -Edward  Stanley (1826-1893)


Exercise isnot only is a calorie burning antidote but also helps to condition almost every organ system in our body, especially our heart, our muscles, our mind and our nervous system. Consequently, every organ in our body work and function more efficiently and with the least effort and energy expenditure when you exercise.

Exercise sharpens our reflexes, improves our balance and our general metabolic health. Exercise make us look younger and look our best. It raises our fitness level, prevents obesity, reduces the risk of chronic degenerative illnesses and senility. It prolongs our life span, makes us stronger and resilient. Exercise literally slows down the biological aging process.

How does exercise do all of these things?  The answer to this question still remains a scientific mystery.

Research studies on aging have shown that the length of telomeres is an indication of our biological age. Telomeres are protein caps that are attached to the end of our chromosomes and are in charge of cell divisions. Every time our cells divide to create new cells, the DNA in our chromosomes is copied and a bit of telomere is lost. Telomeres shorten as we age. When it is all gone, cell division and renewal stop, and life ends.

Yet, cancer cells live forever and their telomeres length remains the same. Therefore it is logical to say that there is a close relationship between telomeres length and longevity. Research continues on this subject, as how to lengthen our telomers without causing cancers.  Other factors besides cell division, such as lifestyle, diet, exercise and stress can also influence telomeres length and longevity.

Most recent scientific studies have shown that different kinds of proteins are present in the blood of people who exercise regularly than those who are sedentary. As we all know, proteins are produced by   cells upon the instructions from our genes (DNA). Proteins are precursors of every metabolic function and health. Proteins affect and regulate our immune system and our immune reactions, healing,  repairs and fight against infections. Proteins are the workhorse of our very complex and mysterious interior molecular environment and molecular biology. 

In another recent scientific study, which was done on laboratory animals, shows that exercise produce and release a hormone, called “Irisin.  Irisin stimulates the brain to create new neurons and remodel  nerve cell connections, especially in the hippocampus section, which is responsible for memory formation.

Irisin has been found in human brain tissue as well. The Irisin level was higher in the brain tissue of people who died for other reason than Alzheimer but barely detectable in the brain of people who died of Alzheimer’s disease. It is hoped that, in the future, a pharmacological form of irisin will be found and used for the treatment of Alzheimer.

If exercise does so many good things for us, why are many of us still waiting to exercise? Hey, you coach potatoes, for the sake of your health, get up and exercise!



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