A slick commercial on TV about a new generation smart phone attracted my attention. It had so much extra power that just putting it on another cell phone recharged that phone. I wondered, what kind of power was it? What would it do to our delicate hearing mechanism and our brain cells when we use this new phone?

I researched the literature and internet on this topic I found the web pages for The National Cancer Institute (NCI), American Cancer Society  (ACS) and World Health Organization (WHO) to be the most helpful. I shall summarize my findings and my personal thoughts on the subject in a Q and A format:

Q – How do cell phones work? What generates their power? What kind of energy is  emitted?

A – Cell phone battery provide electrical power. Cell phones work by sending and receiving signals from nearby cellphones towers in form of electromagnetic energy that known as RF (radiofrequency) waves. RF waves are a form of low frequency, non- ionizing radiation. It is emitted from cell phone antenna. It is strongest at the antenna and dissipates away from antenna becoming weaker.

Q – Why are there concerns that cellphones could cause brain cancer ?

A – Even though  cell phones emit a  low frequency, low energy and non- ionizing radiation; it is still a radiation. Radiation is a panic  word, immediately we connect that word with cancer.

Q – How many types of radiation exist? Are they all dangerous?

A – There are, mainly two types of electromagnetic radiations:

1.       Non- ionizing radiations: These type of radiations are low frequency and low energy radiation. They could never penetrate our body’s cellular structures, reach and damage DNA that is housed inside of the cells, to cause cancer. Examples of these type of RF wave radiations are: Cell phone radiation, FM radio signal , microwave oven radiation, radar, visible light and heat .

2.       Ionizing radiations: These are very high frequency and high energy radiations, as encountered in X- ray machines, radon, cosmic rays, atomic reactors. They can easily penetrate bodily structures, reach and damage DNA genes in our cells, thereby causing cancers.

Q – Has the  incidence of brain cancers increased in the last  decades, where heavy cell phone use became common?

A -The studies in the USA found no increase in the incidence of brain cancers actually, brain cancers rates have declined, in recent years.

Q – Has the incidence of brain cancer rates increased in children, since their brain is still developing and they are heavy cell phone users?

A – No so far no data supports this theory.

Q – What are expert organizations saying about  cell phone use and brain cancers?

A – National and international expert organizations in general, agree that there is not enough scientific evidence to link cell phone use to brain cancer. More research and future studies are  needed to look at  long term side effects of cell phone use on humans health.

Q – Are there any kind of future studies underway to shed light on cell phone use and human health?

A -  A large European study has been launched in 2010. This study (known as Cosmos), has enrolled many ( about 290 000 ) cell phone users to be  followed  for 25 to 30 years and, to analyze every aspect of cell phone use on human health.

 I believe every major country should get involved  in this project, with a standardized methodology, and under auspices of UN and WHO , so that we are not left alone for the mercy of  giant cell phone companies and cell phone makers.

Q – In the meantime  what can we do, to lower our exposure to RF radiation from cell phones?

A – We can take several measures as follows:

1.       Limit cell phone use as much as possible. Use land line phones for long conversations, or use speaker phone mode, cordless ear peace or texting instead of talking.

2.       Instruct children about the possible ill- effects of cell phones and limit their use.

3.       Always choose lower SAR (Specific Absorptions Rate) phones. he amount of RF radiation absorption rate differs among cell phone makers. In the USA, the upper limit of SAR allowed is 1,6 watts/Kg body weight. SAR information could be found in the manufacturer’s website.

Image credit: Genetic Literary Project





For The Sake Of Your Health, EXERCISE

For The Sake Of Your Health, EXERCISE