For The Sake Of Your Health, Cut Down on Sugar + Salt

For The Sake Of Your Health, Cut Down on Sugar + Salt

                                                     FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR HEALTH:

                                               #5. CUT DOWN ON SUGAR (SWEETS ) AND SALT

Sugar (carbohydrates) together with proteins and fats are the main source of our diet. Sugars are preferred and ready to use source of energy for every cell in our body. There are two kinds of sugars in our diet. The first kind of sugars called complex sugars (carbohydrates) that are found naturally in plant foods, fruits, vegetables and milk. They are composed of combination of many molecules of simple sugars. Then, there are simple sugars like glucose and fructose that are refined and added to our drinks, foods and deserts.

Complex sugars (carbohydrates) like starches, fibers and lactose in the milk, require energy expenditure by the body for digestion and metabolism, to be broken down to simple sugars and absorbed. This is a slow metabolic process with energy expenditure. It raises blood sugar level gradually and therefore pancreatic insulin production and secretion gradually. So, complex sugars’ glycemic index (spikes in blood sugar levels) are low, gradual and well balanced and very beneficial for the body.

But simple or free sugars taken by food, desert or drinks (one can of cola could have 9 cubes of sugar!) are absorbed directly and immediately, without any energy expenditure. They cause blood sugar level to spike immediately to very high level. This high blood sugar spikes causes immediate and very high pancreatic insulin production and output. Consequently, a metabolic imbalance occurs. High insulin level can cause blood sugar levels to drop immediately to very low levels. This is called hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia makes us hungry, increases appetite and more food consumption and excess calorie intake occurs. In addition, insulin is a lipogenic hormone, which stimulates excess fat cells production and converts excess calories into fat. Thus, high insulin level, not only controls blood sugar but also promotes over eating and obesity and obesity related complications like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and the increase risk of strokes and cancers.

When it comes to daily salt intake, another not very well understood metabolic picture emerges. Salt is very important micromineral for the body.  Very low or very high salt (Na) intake could be dangerous. Salt is needed for body’s electrolytes, acid – base balance, osmotic pressure, muscle construction and  proper nerve transmissions. Recommended daily Na intake is around 1500 mg (one teaspoonful). Because salt makes food taste good, restaurants always add more salt to their meals. We tend to eat add more salt to our food. Excess salt intake creates excess thirst, which promotes a person to drink more liquids. Excess salt causes water retention in the body and promotes hypertension. Over time, high blood pressure and its complications develop. 

In order to cut the salt in our diet, we must prepare food at home. Restaurant meals and processed foods contain a lot off Na.Condiments like ketchup, salad dressings are loaded with salt. We must avoid using them. High salt intake is habit forming. We must cut back gradually on salt so that our taste buds could adapt and love a low sodium diet.

Miss my earlier tips on avoiding processed meatsfollowing an optimal dietor making mindful eating a habitfor the sake of your health? Check out my earlier blog posts

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For The Sake Of Your Health, EXERCISE

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