Food for Thought: Good Nutrition and Brain Foods

Food for Thought: Good Nutrition and Brain Foods

Our brain is the executive center of our body’s infinite functional universe. Good nutrition is a corner stone for our mental and physical wellbeing. When we think about good nutrition, first we must think what good nutrition for our brain is. We must never abuse mind-altering medications, drinks and tobacco. Alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, sedatives, pain medications, narcotics, opioids are most commonly abused and dangerous for our brain and our entire body. They only provide temporary and false pleasure and, they are habit forming.

Our brain’s nutritional needs are not any different from any other organs in our body. I am sure, by now you have heard of the Mediterranean diet.  If you are diagnosed with  hypertension, you were told by your doctor to follow a DASH (dietary approach to stop hypertension) diet. If you suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, you were told that you must follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

You combine all these diets, you have an eating plan that provides you good nutrition and good foods for your brain.

Before we review these diets, in summary, let’s talk about how good brain foods affect our brain health. Our brain cells (called neurons, billions of them) are very sensitive to toxic   effects of volatile free radicals and inflammation. Free radicals are atoms with odd number of electrons that are generated by body’s different endogenous metabolism. These free radicals are highly reactive and immediately interact with different components of living cell, to get an extra electron and to became stabilized. This process is called “oxidative stress”. Even though our body’s compensatory mechanisms with production of special enzymes and natural anti-oxidant molecules can neutralize all free radicals, we need the help from anti-oxidant rich diets as well . All the diets mentioned are  very rich of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals.

Mediterranean Diet: It includes only extra virgin olive oil, high amount of fish, fresh and organic leafy vegetables, tomatoes, legumes (such as beans, peas, lentils),whole wheat bread and pasta, fruits, moderate amount of dairy, eggs and red wine, tree nuts , minimum amount poultry and low fat red meat and sweets. No fried food allowed, preferred cooking styles are  grilling , broiling and baking.

DASH Diet: Limits salt intake (I - I,5 gram per day), meat, fat and sweet intakes to minimum, does not allow processed and pre-packaged foods, since they are very rich of salt, sugar and different chemicals. This  basically follows the  Mediterranean diet principles.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Even though inflammation is part of our immune reaction and necessary for healing, too much of it could be dangerous. Certain foods promote inflammation, such as refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, french fries, red meats, margarines, sodas, diet sodas and energy drinks. They all should be avoided or cut drastically. On the other hand, certain foods, such as fresh organic leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, olive oil, whole wheat bread and other whole wheat products combat inflammation. These foods are the essence of anti-inflammatory diet.

Combination of all these diets sometimes is called the “Mind diet”. When mind diet when combined with daily exercises,  it will prevent, not only neurodegenerative changes and senility but also degenerative changes in all other organs.

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