The Power of Positive Thinking and Good Health

The Power of Positive Thinking and Good Health

                                                                                    “When we face the bright side,

                                                                                    all  shadows will fall behind us.”

First we must ask the following questions and think about them:

 1. What is the power of positive thinking?                         

 2.How can the power of positive thinking help us have a good health?

 3.Could the power of positive thinking help us achieve other tasks in life?

  4.Can anybody learn how to become a positive thinking person?

As I see it, positive thinking is a mental attitude and personality trend that creates positive  thoughts  in our mind, for example a  health crises or  unpleasant events. 

This will transform our mental energy to a healing power or enable us to achieve our other desired tasks. It is most important that during the process of positive thinking, we do not allow any negative thoughts to enter our mind.

 Our brain directs what happens to our body,  all the time. For this reason brain and body constantly communicate with each other. Therefore, in a health crisis, if we actively cultivate positive thoughts in our mind, it will create a healing power that will stimulate our immune system and body’s other compensatory healing mechanisms, to help us heal. At the same time, it will prevent  anxiety and depression that usually  develops, in a health crisis.

A simple clinical study has shown that even a fake smile could lower the pulse rate and drops the blood pressure. Scientific studies  have shown that our thoughts and feelings can change our biological response even our DNA. So ,in case of a crises we must always cultivate positive thinking and always look at the sunny side, so that all the shadows will fall behind us.

How does  anyone know whether he or she has a positive thinking personality? Ask yourself if you are a glass-half-full or half- empty person . Do you mostly remember positive or negative aspect of any event, in life? Answering these questions, you can easily decide whether you are an optimist or pessimist person.

Actually, in life just being an optimist yourself is not enough. You must surround yourself with same-minded  and positive thinking friends so that they can  lift your spirit, help you to remain positive.

Let’s see some examples positive thinking. You are stuck in heavy traffic and, there is nothing you can do about it. A negative thinking  person, in this situation, will get very upset and angry. On the other hand, a  positive thinking person will say,  "There is nothing I can do about it. I might as well call home and ,tell them I am going to be late because of  traffic and enjoy the music I love, in my car’s stereo. Traffic will eventually open."

I am a golfer. The best part of my golf game is my putting. The secret of my good putting is that before I putt, after reading the green, I visualize  with the eyes of my mind that my putt rolled exactly the way I visualized and dropped in the hole. I believe that if foul shooters in basketball and, penalty kicker in football do the same thing, they will be more successful.

Not all of us are born as an optimist. But all of us can learn and teach ourselves how to become a positive thinking person by doing the following:

-Every unwanted event in life has a positive side. Find it and, always look at the bright side.

-Surround yourselves with same minded good friends.

-Be optimistic, share your optimism with peoples around you.

-Always practice small acts of kindness.

-See goodness in every person ,don’t dwell on the past mistakes and constantly talk about them.

-Be forgiving, nobody is perfect.

-Build resilience ;resilience is the ability to change and to adapt to negative events in life.

-Act on problems you face, rather than waiting and hoping that they will go away by themselves.

 -Always remember the 5 pillars of wellbeing and good health and practice them. They are: have a purpose in life, have good nutrition, have a good night sleep, have  daily physical and mental activities and  be resilient  all the times.


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