Sleep: Why is it more important than food?

Sleep: Why is it more important than food?

Sleep is a biological necessity. Every living organism, no matter how small it is, from single cell organisms to multi-cell organisms,  must sleep   in order to  function properly and stay alive. No living creature can go on full throttle 24 hours a day, without sleep and rest.

Sleep exist in primitive forms, in simple organisms without brain. For example jelly fish stops it’s swim contractions frequently to rest. Frigate birds sleep  while gliding. Dolphins sleep with half of their brain, while other half is active.

Sleep could be defined as going into an unconscious state in a cycling manner and depth, several times during the night. It is marked by diminished responsiveness, sensations and mobility. It is like going into a coma, but unlike coma sleep can be easily disrupted.

Sleep is more essential to us than food. Animal studies have shown that animals will die of sleep deprivation, long before they die of starvations. Sleep deprived prisoners will confess to anything, to exchange for restful sleep.

Sleep is such a ubiquitous natural biological phenomenon that evolved and refined with evolution, across the ions. Sleep is adaptation to life on a spinning planet around the sun with day and night pattern . Scientists have discovered the presence of a molecular clock inside of our cells that aims to keep us in sync with sun light. Our sleep - wake pattern is central issue of our biology.  Light energy enters our brain through our eyes , sets our internal clock. Our brain is especially sensitive to blue (short – wave) light which is the source of midday sun light and the lights of modern electronic gadgets. Overuse of these gadget ,especially before sleeping time, is ,one of the biggest cause of insomnia.  

As soon as lights deem and we close our eyes ,light sensitive brain cells ( neurons  ) tell our circadian clock that it is time to go to sleep. Our Pineal gland which is located in our brain stem, pumps out Melatonin hormone that triggers sleep.

We are designed to take this rejuvenating journey every night. Otherwise our mental and physical health will be seriously affected. Our circadian rhythm  that keeps our body and mind in sync with sun is so tightly regulated that even a small change, like daylight saving time, can be problematic. A study done in the USA, in this regard showed that in first Monday, of daylight saving time, there is 24 % increase of fatal car accidents and significant increase in heart attacks rate, comparing with other Mondays. We all know very well how “jet lag” affect us.

A new by Northwestern University showed that people who prefer stay up later (night owls) had higher rate of mortality from conditions such as diabetes, heart attacks and psychological disorders.

It is very clear that disruption of our internal circadian rhythm affect our sleep pattern and sleep quality. We can’t  sleep long enough .Recommended minimum sleep time for adults is seven  hours a day .Children need more sleep, 12-15 hour a day.

We are hard wired to sleep each night. Human sleep is an intricate and dynamic process .We cycle four times during the night through the four stages ( stage 1,2,3,4 ) of sleep, each stage with different qualities, depth and purpose. Initial steps of sleep( stage 1 and 2) are  shallow. Can last about 50 minutes during the night’s first 90 minute sleep cycle. Then we enter deep sleep stages( stage 3,4). Our body temperature drops, our heart rate slows down, awareness of our environment disappears. This is the time for rejuvenation. Every organ rests, recharges their  batteries( mitochondria),produce the most growth hormones, repair injuries, stimulate immune system .Deep sleep is essential for our brain functions and mood. There is no dreaming or REM sleep during deep sleep. Stage 4 last about 30 minutes.

Our brain remain active, especially cerebral cortex, with different kinds of activities, when we sleep. It decides whether or not to preserve or discard , the recently acquired information to turn into knowledge and, connect it to old knowledge. Sleep reinforces our long term memory.

There is no shortcuts ,we can’t do without sleep. Yet modern living conditions, artificial lights, TV, computers, smart phones, internet, night shift work, popular night life culture, too many cups of coffee have ruined our sleep.  Sleeping pills and sedatives are not the solution for sleeplessness (insomnia).








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