I always wondered why people are easily attracted to those with dark minds and dark personality traits? What makes dark minded people so attractive?

I am not a psychiatrist, but as a doctor who is interested in psychology and with many years of clinical experience, I believe that there are strong links between people with dark minds and / personality traits and their followers, in a form of reciprocal craving for power, attention gathering, macho man figure, admiration, sense of belonging to a special clanship.

As I see it, people psychologically tend to pay more attention and be attracted to things and personalities that are considered strange, bizarre and deplorable. People with dark minds and personality traits know these facts very well, and that is why it manifests in their behaviors. They often use unregulated and irresponsible social media to manifest their behaviors.  Algorithms of social media companies and reality TV shows have created a more tolerant, “anything goes” social culture for the purpose of more interest in their shows and platforms for more clicks and more advertising dollars. Unfortunately, it has become an acceptable part of our social culture.

Looking like a jerk or being bizarre on social media is encouraged and promoted by social media’s IA    algorithms.  These algorithms are designed to create more interest and more clicks on their platforms, so that more advertising dollars could be generated.  At the same time, they make, dark minded persons with unusual stunts and shenanigans to become even more popular. 

Looking like a jerk on social media has minimal affects in real-life. Many people tend to think that the reasons why these people are so popular on social media is because they are talented, smart, important, strong or powerful, so they are attracted to them even more.

Let’s now try to define people with dark minds, dark personality traits and/or personality disorders. Personality traits represents a person’s pattern of thinking, perceiving, reacting in any situation which may be slightly different, but usually stable. It does not affect the person’s functioning and work in real life.

Personality disorders, on the other hand, are different, and exist when personality traits become so rigid and maladaptive that it impairs normal functioning of a person to a level that is considered by psychiatrists, as mental disorder.  

Personality traits divided by experts into two major groups: Dark Triad of Personality Traits, and Light Triad of Personality Traits.

Dark triad of personality traits include Narcissism, Psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Narcissistic personality disorders involve self-adulation and an exaggerated sense of superiority. They think they know everything, and are extremely sensitive to criticism, to failure and defeat. They possess no feeling of empathy; they do not view themselves and their actions as problematic. The problems they encounter are always the fault of others. They see people who criticize them as jealous, and people who work for them or admire them, as weak, fake and less intelligent.

Psychopathy means callousness, cynicism and egocentrism in their behaviors. Machiavellianism means strategic exploitations and deceits of peoples.

People with dark personality traits may initially give an impression of being charming, conscientious or high achievement oriented. But sooner or later, they become toxic and damaging in the workplace or in the politics.

Do these definitions ring bell for some of you and perhaps remind you of some famous politicians you know?

Light triad of personality traits include humanism, Kantianism and faith in humanity. Humanism means valuing the dignity and worth of every human being. Kantianism (relating to philosopher Emanuel Kant) means treating people as end to unto themselves, not mere means. Faith in humanity means believing in the fundamental goodness of human beings.

I don’t know about you, but I know myself well with my liberal views. I possess the light triad of personality traits.