Introduction of a new personal blog: "As I see it"

Introduction of a new personal blog: "As I see it"

We live in 21st century which is considered to be a digital technology, molecular science, informations and information transfer century. We are all connected with world wide wiring and internet (www). 

We are constantly bombarded, 24/7, with unsubstantiated misinformations info commercials. We are forced to live and swim in an ocean of fake informations. We are overloaded with informations. This is confusing and uncomfortable state for all of us. 

Under these circumstances, making a right decision becomes very difficult. Right decisions could only be made with right informations. We can only find the right information in this ocean of fake informations, only if we could learn and master the art of thinking. Only then we could analyse and discard all fake informations, thereby acquiring experience amd knowledge. Only then we can make right decisions about anything in life. 

Therefore I will devote significant space to general principals of thinking in my writings. 

What we really neeed is not more information but knowledge, insights, shared experiences and real life events. Unfortunately these are very rare and difficult to do. It is easier to just transfer more informations. 

As I see it, we are all genetically different. We see different things even in the same events. We analyse, interpret and think differently. This make personal views, insights, personal knowledge and decision making more interesting the event itself. 

I am retired physician and gastroentrologist with 40 year medical practice experience in the USA. I intend to share my experience, knowledge and insight, under the general heading of "as I see it", with my reader. I will use a simple language, avoid medical jargons. I will write about not only events in the field of medicine but also about every aspects of life. I will speak my hearts truth. I hope I will succeed in my endeavours with the helps of readers.

The Most Beautiful Wedding Speech I Have Ever Heard : Part 1

The Most Beautiful Wedding Speech I Have Ever Heard : Part 1