The Most Beautiful Wedding Speech I Have Ever Heard : Part 1

The Most Beautiful Wedding Speech I Have Ever Heard : Part 1

When my oldest daughter, at the age of 42 finally decided to get married, I, as the father of the bride, made a heart felt speech in her wedding. 

My speech was received with a standing ovation and many compliments followed. Among them, the wedding planner told me, "I have planned many weddings and heard many wedding speeches. This was the best speech I have ever heard. Many people will benefit from it. You became the toast of the town."

So I decided to share this speech with my general audience. I believe that the best speeches are made unprepared and with the words that come from the heart. After I was introduced as father of the bride, my speech started as follows: 

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for coming and celebrating this important event in our family's life - Maya's and Bobb's wedding - with us. You have honored us with your presence. 

As parents we always worry and wonder about our kids. We frequently ask ourselves questions "When are they going to get married? When are they going to split and establish their own family?" But when they come to us with a marriage decision, this time we worry about different things. We ask ourself, " is this the right person? Do they really love each other or this is just a physical attraction?"

This dichotomy of thoughts reminded me what ancient greek phylosopher Socrates said about marriage. Socrates who lived 495 BC, is considered the father of modern thinking. He said, "by means get married. If works, you will be very happy. If it does not work out, you will become a phylosopher."

The rest of this article will soon be available in in "The Most Beautiful Wedding Speech I Have Ever Heard : Part 2" 

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