Which mode of delivery is better: C-Section or normal birth?

Which mode of delivery is better: C-Section or normal birth?


 “There is only one pretty baby in the world and every mothers know it”

- Chinese proverb

After my blog post,” why mothers are genetically more important than fathers”, I received a few inquiries asking, “which delivery mode Is better for both mother and child: C -section or normal birth?”

I hesitated before answering  this question because I am not a mother, nor am I a gynecologist or pediatrician. But I decided to answer, with an apology to all mothers and my colleagues, since the question was directed to me. My answer will be as I see it, and with the knowledge I obtained studying this topic from various sources.

Without any doubt, natural birth is much better for both mother and child, because nature created all female species of mammals, including humans to give a live natural birth.

The process of labor and delivery of a natural birth, must be very painful and stressful for both mother and child. When the due time for birth arrives the mother’s metabolism accelerates, many hormonal changes occur, adrenaline and other stress hormones and endorphins level increase in the blood. Baby  feels all these changes and actively participate in labor and delivery. Baby feels mother’s painful uterine contractions on his/her head and feet. These stimulate baby’s reflexes to wiggle through the birth canal. Birth is remembered, much more than generally believed, by the baby as well, for these difficulties ingrain with the baby and prepare the baby for future difficulties in life. In addition, baby acquires friendly bacteria that live in vaginal cavity of mother which is called vaginal microbiome. These microbes stimulate baby’s immune system development and regulate the intensity of immune reactions. Natural birth babies have much less nasal allergies, asthma, type 1 diabetes mellitus and other auto-immune diseases, comparing with C- section babies.

When a mother successfully delivers her baby with her own willpower and efforts she forgets all the pains and suffering of labor and she feels like she has climbed mount Everest. When she holds her baby in her arms, she feels elated and triumphant, with a big smile she immediately bonds with her baby with love and affection.

On the other hand, C – section mothers after the birth, instead of feeling elated, they feel empty. Also C- section babies experience a shocking traumatic event, when they are suddenly sucked out from a dark, warm and watery cocoon of  their mother’s womb. The ill effect of this traumatic event could last for a lifetime. The American Journal of Pre and Perinatal Psychology, suggest that there is a personality trend in C- section babies  called “ Caesarian Personality” with distinctive characteristics.

C-section is associated with increased risks to both mother and child. It should be performed only, when there is a clear indication yet C- sections are lucrative and fast. That is why doctors too often perform them and,  globally C- section rate has  been increasing. In the USA, 1/3 of births are with C- section. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that C- sections are indicated only in 10 to 15 % of births.

Since C- sections are associated with increased risks for mother and child, all pregnant mothers should have better access to data to C- section so that they could make better decision as to how to deliver their babies.

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