Viruses mutate constantly, it’s their nature. Not all mutations are important and dangerous.


The above-mentioned issues are currently being extensively discussed in the US. I thought, it would be interesting and timely if I share my thinking and understanding about these issues with my readers.

Covid – 19 Coronavirus, which is responsible for the current deadly pandemic, is an RNA respiratory virus. It has 30,000 bases of nucleic acids in its genome (genetic makeup). All viruses are genetic parasites, they can’t replicate themselves without using the host’s cells energy metabolism and replicating system. As viruses spread from host to host, they tend to change some of their nucleic acid basis, thereby creating a new variants.

This short background information should help us to deduce two important conclusions about Covid - 19:

1 – Virus variants occur naturally and not all variants are dangerous. For example, in 136 million confirmed Covid – 19 cases worldwide, only one million had virus genetic sequencing done. And of these one million sequences, scientists have been concerned about only few variants - because these variants could become more infectious, dangerous, are able to evade our immune system, as well as vaccine immunity.

2 – “Vaccine Nationality” and “piece-meal vaccinations” by rich nations of their entire population would not be able to control the pandemic as long as the virus is allowed to spread in poor counties and mutate into dangerous variants. New variants could reinfect our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, creating a more devastating pandemic. Therefore, not piece meal vaccinations, but a universal vaccination attempt is needed to vaccinate the majority of the 7 billion of the world population; under the auspices of the UN and WHO, to control the worldwide pandemic and prevent re-infections with deadlier variants.

I believe that vaccine hesitancy among the general public originated is created by religious fanaticism, internet misinformation, partisan politics and/or a mistrust of the government. There is also a deep suspicion, especially in poorer countries, where a history of colonialism and unethical medical practices have left a legacy of mistrust.

Some sceptics claim that it takes about 10 year to develop an effective and safe vaccine. How could researchers develop a vaccine in less than a year, unless they cut corners and sacrifice safety measures? My answer to such questions is that scientists have been working on new vaccines and vaccine technology for very long time, since 1918 deadly Spanish flu pandemic that killed many millions. Scientists didn’t cut corners nor did they rush to please political leaders (as could happen in totalitarian countries).

Another important concern was raised by the later discovery of severe blood clots disorders, following the administration of Johnson and Johnson and Astra Zeneca vaccine, which was never shared in advance to the public. These events increased the distrust in these very important, cheaper, one dose only, easy to store and distribute vaccines. Usage of these vaccines were suddenly halted. 

Current unusual blood clots with markedly reduced blood platelet, mostly in young females, following the administration of J & J vaccine in the USA is very rare (one in a million) but an alarming complication. Halting its usage is justified to know exactly what is going on and how to prevent and treat this complication. The popular blood thinner Heparin, often used in other blood clots cases, should not be used in these patients, since heparin can cause similar condition in some patients.

The American public is anxiously waiting the ruling by the CDC. In the meantime, it is important to remember that no vaccine is 100% effective, break through infections could still occur, but with less severity and therefore, we should continue wearing face mask and obey social distancing rules.

Skittishness over the J&J and Astra Zeneca vaccines could increase demand for Russian and Chinese made vaccines for which nor much known in western world, and there are concerns about the transparency of the available scientific data on these vaccines.