As I see it, these age related physiologic changes in our body that occur in every one of us, are the consequences of Darwinian evolution and evolutionary biology. The purpose of it, is to limit reproductive functions of human race to younger generations, thereby limiting the risks of genetic mutations (which occur often in older people germ cells) induced diseases in the newborns, such as congenital organ abnormalities, autism, dyslexia, ADD and mental illness.

Women with menopause stop ovulating, their sexual desire, pleasure and activities dramatically decrease. BPH in men, which starts almost at the same age as menopause in women, also cause decrease in sexual activities and desire, sperm count decreases and automatic genetic mutations in sperms occur.

Because these physiologic changes have logical reasons behind them,  then it is rational to say that our DNAs must have been programmed and timed to induce these physiologic changes after a certain age. Then, we can say that our genes must have acquired evolutionary wisdom to know, how and when to induce these changes. In that case we can also say that, our brain is not the only source of intelligence and wisdom, our DNA also have evolutionary memory and wisdom. How else can we explain human conditions, vulnerabilities and self-healing powers ?

Since the human body is composed of billions of wise cells, they must know how to protect themselves from illnesses, how to react and how to heal. A human body’s reactions to illnesses, must have a self-healing power. That is how human’s body heals itself from different diseases 80% of the time, without the help of doctors or medications. Therefore the body’s reactions to illnesses must not be automatically stopped, unless they are found to be harmful for the body. In this sense, it may be an elevated temperature, persistent cough, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and pain are body’s healing reactions. They should not be stopped unless they are unbearable and harmful to the body. I personally used this idea and vision in my practice. After I prescribed appropriate medications I told my patients when to start using medication. By doing this, we give a chance to our body to heal itself.

It is a universal law of nature that every living creature is going to die one day, for one reason or another. This fate is programmed in our DNAs. Whether death occurs with aging and natural death or a disease caused death, make no difference. The purpose of programmed death is to open up space and resources for more evolved young generations. This is an evolutionary determinant and universal nature’s law.

Didn’t we Homo Sapiens evolve by evolutionary changes, 200,000 years ago, from our primitive, ape like ancestors of Homo Erectus? Then, life and death are normal and are a part of universal nature’s law.

But we must ask a very important question here, “if evolution by natural selection created survival of the fittest and, such a complex, sophisticated, wise, capable and immunologically protected human’s body, why then do we get sick? Why does our capable body is not protecting us from all diseases? Why our body can’t self-heal, all the time? Why our body allows the development of deadly degenerative diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer, hardening of the arteries with heart attacks and strokes, cancers, autoimmune diseases? Could it be that our genes are genetically programed, but misguided to mutate to make us prone to these diseases, as a part of programmed dying?”

It appears that all diseases and propensity to diseases must have a genetic component behind them. But why  everybody does not get sick under similar circumstances? For example, why doesn’t every person who consumes high cholesterol food diet, develops  high blood cholesterol and lipids level, and  arteriosclerosis?  An interesting case report, in this regard, appeared in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 1991, describing an 88 year old man who ate 25 eggs a day for 15 years, had normal blood cholesterol level and normal arteries. Why are there so many individual varieties?

I think that there are two possibilities here. One is that our genes are programmed to cause natural death by aging or their programming is misguided to cause diseases and death. The other possibility is that since our genes and body have been evolved over millennia, from a very simple beginning and, in a natural hunter-gatherer environment, when the agricultural and industrial revolutions took place, our living environment, sources and availability of food supplies changed so fast that evolutionary changes in our genes did not have enough time to evolve and to adapt to these changes. Maybe this mismatch of rapidly changed environment and food sources induced genetic and epigenetics changes in our gene and, predisposed many of us, to develop all these degenerative diseases.

Then, shouldn’t the modern medicine pay more attention to our individual genetic makeup, epigenetic changes and stimulate our bodies natural healing powers, by creating an individualizing medical care? Aren’t we all genetically different?


C R I T I C A L  T H I N K I N G : A  G U I D E  T O  W O R L D  O F  L I E S

C R I T I C A L  T H I N K I N G : A  G U I D E  T O  W O R L D  O F  L I E S

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Character and Personality - are they the same thing?